Thursday, December 13, 2012

               CRYSTAL MOMENT

Once or twice this side of death
Things can make one hold his breath.

From my childhood I remember
A crystal moment of September.

A wooded island rang with sounds
Of church bells in the throats of hounds.

A buck leaped out and took the tide
With jewels flowing past each side.

With his high head like a tree
He swam within a yard of me.

I saw a golden drop of light
In his eyes turned dark with fright.

I saw the forest holiness 
On him a fierce caress.

Fear made him lovely past belief,
My heart was trembling like a leaf.

He leaned towards the land and life
With need upon him like a knife.

In his wake the hot hounds churned,
They stretch their muzzles out and yearned.

They bayed no more,but swam and throbbed
Hunger drove them till they sobbed.

Pursued,pursuers reach the shore
And vanished.I saw nothing more.

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